"In the depths of a virtual world, Hikaru Evans, a reclusive gamer, has always found solace within the confines of his digital sanctuary. However, a fateful day pushes him out of his comfort zone and into the harsh reality of high school life. Forced to venture outdoors, he embarks on a seemingly mundane errand to fetch food, only to be confronted by three relentless tormentors from his school.
But destiny takes an unexpected turn when a life-threatening accident hurls hikaru into a surreal realm, where he is greeted by a breathtaking angelic being. Presented with an extraordinary choice, he must decide between ascending to heavenly bliss for his selfless act or embarking on a perilous mission in the depths of hell.
Driven by the promise of a tantalizing reward, Hikaru boldly chooses the latter, electing to be reborn as a lowly demon imp tasked with an enigmatic quest. In this dark and treacherous underworld, Oscar must navigate as a fledgling imp and align himself with a secretive band of assassins known as IMP.
As he delves deeper into the abyss, hikaru begins to unlock hidden talents and uncovers a latent power that might hold the key to combating an ancient and malevolent evil threatening both the infernal and earthly realms. Join hikaru on his extraordinary journey through a world where angels and demons collide, forging an unlikely hero from the unlikeliest of origins."