In a world shrouded in mystery and fear, the existence of the Abominable Gods remains a secret known only to a few. Their return to the realm was referred to as Nightfall, a prerequisite to apocalypse, and Chroniclers were the ones tasked with finding ways to delay the inevitable for as long as possible. Little is known about these enigmatic deities. Their title alone serves as a warning, and only fools dare to advance their research, lest they accidentally summon these malevolent entities. One such fool brought the Nightfall, and after thousands of years in which the realm was gradually healing, the threat of another Nightfall starts showing its fangs. So, as the last of his kind who had already witnessed the power of destruction this event could bring, the Chronicler tried his best to stop it. As his plan backfires horrifically, the Chronicler is forced to find more subtle ways to deal with the problem. Thus begins his last attempt to correct his mistakes and hopefully he won't doom humanity this time. In a different corner of the world, a poor artist wakes up one morning with magical powers and memories that don't belong to him, urging him to find the golden statue of an ancient smiling goddess. ~~~ Cross-posted on Inkitt.