The story takes place in the town of Carpi, during the 1970s. Marco, a young man full of dreams and passions, tries to find his way amidst the cultural and political turmoil of the era. A lover of cooking, he believes that there exists a "perfect recipe" for life, a way to make the right choices and achieve success and happiness. This belief leads him to seek advice from the renowned chef Sal Moriglio, who offers him an unexpected tip about the magic ingredient for perfect dishes. Enthusiastic, Marco embarks on a journey of experimentation in the kitchen but faces many challenges. His interaction with the chef opens his eyes to deeper concepts concerning choices, experience, and the value of adaptability. The story explores universal themes such as personal growth, the quest for simple solutions to complex problems, and the importance of reflection in life's decisions.
Elliot's partner was his whole world, but after Allan's death, his ghost haunts Elliot's dreams. Everyone tells Elliot to move on, but he isn't sure he can.
It's been a year since the love of Elliot's life, Allan, passed away. Everyone thinks he should have recovered after that much time, but Allan still haunts Elliot every night. He struggles to maintain relationships with his family, and despite a coworkers interest he can't summon up the courage to date. Elliot is living for the past, because to live for the present means he'll have to live with a hole in his heart. But the question Elliot has to face chases him through his monotonous days: is mourning Allan with everything he has truly living?
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