In the aftermath of the titan's attack on Wall Maria in 845, young men and woman at very young ages leave their homes to sign up for the military. Whether be the hard-hitting and dedicated Scout Regiment, the more laid-back Garrison Regiment, or the closely guarded Military Police Brigade, these young souls are ready to fight and ready for payback.
James Torrence, a resident of Mitras, Wall Shina, was one of the many who left their comfortable, stable, and quiet life at home to fight alongside his fellow humans and get revenge for those who didn't make it from the attack at Wall Maria. However, when they left training for the battlefield, they realized that war is not fun and games.
PTSD, War, Blood, extreme violence, gore, heavy swearing, animal cruelty, suicidal thoughts
(All rights and credits of Attack on Titan belong to Hajime Isayama. Enjoy)