Hedron is assigned a mission in a world 1134 worlds away from World Zero, his homeworld. Accompanied by his closest friends Cathrine, Claudia, Trey, and his father figure Dolion, they set off to a world that should not be as similar to theirs as it is. Kanna Agency wants desperately to know why a world so far from theirs is oh so similar, so they send this group of five to find out. Little do they know the tragedies that awaited. Hedron and his comrades arrive in the world, but its all too quiet for a city usually bustling with people and animals alike. as they climb the floors of World Eleven Thirty-Four's Kanna Agency, things start getting weird. The mirror appears, changing everything as they climb each floor layer by layer, and it never seems to end. When will the end appear? The group could have sworn there weren't this many floors in the agency, so what's keeping the floors from ending? Does it have something to do with the Mirror that only Hedron can see what it's truly showing? Is Hedron the key to getting out of here? But why Hedron, the one seemingly cursed from birth?All Rights Reserved
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