87 chapitres Terminé -Thanks To my co-write Cait (who did most of the work(We Love You Caitlin!)) :)- BTWs, I own nothing in here. Even Caitlin who owns herself. The only thing I have is Me, Lexie and a few minor plot twists... and those pumas... everything else is the property of whoever made Avatar The Last Airbender.
I've never been all that big on adventure. Sure, in my head I was the greatest adventurer who ever lived, slaying demons and taming dragons and what have you. But when you're actually there, and you realize that you're not just there but a Mary Sue too.... well that actually sucks. Awesome in its own way, but nobody wants to be a Mary Sue, or a Gary Stu or whatever. Oh right, I'm getting off track here.
My name? Not Mary, that's for sure, but it generally depends on the story. See, if I was to introduce myself in a Japanese or another Asian styled world by my English name....that would be weird.... so I pick a name that I figure fits. Today my name is Amaya. Why? Well, I liked it. And I guess it fits. The name means "Night Rain", and it fits because well, I woke up in the middle of a forest in the middle of the night....and it was raining. Funny how that works huh? Also, I'm a waterbender. Neat right? I guess. But I digress. I should really get to the story right? Well, like I said, it was a rainy night, and I was cold, lost and alone....