Six girls-Katia, Solène, Miriam, Selmira, Kaira, and Amarina-are on a mission with their enigmatic caretaker, Angelo Demon, to blend into the world of MHC, a school for middle, high school, and college students. But soon, strange events and unexpected alliances turn their mission into something far more dangerous. Suspicion grows, secrets unravel, and romance sparks, leaving them to question: Can they trust the person next to them? This story weaves together action, humor, drama, and romance in a thrilling journey where trust and loyalty are tested at every turn.
!!!!!! You can read the story also in german !!!!!!!
When Roger, an ordinary man with an extraordinary heart, is suddenly reincarnated into the body of Homelander, the world's most powerful and controversial hero, he faces an unimaginable challenge. Now endowed with not only Homelander's immense abilities but also Superman's legendary powers, Roger is both shocked and overwhelmed. What will his future hold???