In a parallel universe where Astoria Greengrass arrives as the new student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, she finds herself facing the enigmatic and cold-hearted Draco Malfoy. The infamous Slytherin bully takes pleasure in tormenting her, making her life a living hell. Little does he know, Astoria harbors a secret that could change everything.As their paths collide, a tale of redemption, forbidden love, and self-discovery unfolds. Astoria's resilience and kindness begin to chip away at Draco's icy exterior, revealing a vulnerability he never knew he had. With each encounter, the two find themselves drawn together, caught in a web of emotions they can't escape.
But in this alternate reality, Astoria's fate diverges from the original timeline. She lives longer, which means the chance for Draco to change his ways and find redemption becomes a real possibility. Together, they navigate the treacherous waters of Hogwarts, facing challenges, prejudices, and the brewing storm of war.