In the high-stakes world of professional soccer, superstar Alexia Putellas faces a devastating setback when she tears her ACL during the Champions League final. As she embarks on a grueling rehabilitation journey to regain her strength and skills, Alexia is confronted with an unexpected connection - her best friend's sister, whose presence slowly chips away at the walls she's built around herself.
But there's a catch - falling for a teammate's sister could spell disaster for the team's dynamics and unity. As Alexia battles her feelings and navigates the complex web of team dynamics, the lines between friendship and love blur, setting the stage for a compelling tale of resilience, passion, and the perilous consequences of forbidden love. Will Alexia be able to protect her heart and her team, or will the allure of love prove too powerful to resist?
Would you believe if someone tells you that you will find the love of your life on a dating app?
Me neither...
But what if that really happen?
Discover the story about two world famous footballers who went from only chasing trophies to finding something unexpected on that way.