In the high-stakes world of professional soccer, superstar Alexia Putellas faces a devastating setback when she tears her ACL during the Champions League final. As she embarks on a grueling rehabilitation journey to regain her strength and skills, Alexia is confronted with an unexpected connection - her best friend's sister, whose presence slowly chips away at the walls she's built around herself.
But there's a catch - falling for a teammate's sister could spell disaster for the team's dynamics and unity. As Alexia battles her feelings and navigates the complex web of team dynamics, the lines between friendship and love blur, setting the stage for a compelling tale of resilience, passion, and the perilous consequences of forbidden love. Will Alexia be able to protect her heart and her team, or will the allure of love prove too powerful to resist?
It's not easy being the only girl in the Durant household. It's tough when everybody views you as the baby of the family, despite having a twin brother who is only two minutes older than you. But most difficult of all is harboring a secret crush on your twin's best friend for three years.
Sofia Durant is having the worst last weeks of high school she could have ever imagined, especially after failing two classes and having to take summer classes in order to graduate. So when Adrian Carter, the star of the college soccer team in Madrid unexpectedly asks her out on a date, she thinks her bad streak has come to an end.
But things take a turn for the worse and after an unspeakable night she wishes she could forget, flees to London to live with her older brother Leo. Eight months pass before she finally has the courage to come back home and resume her life, only to find that things are a whole lot different now and she's not the only one who has changed.