This is the beginning of sophomore year, I haven’t decided on what I wanted to be in life. Everybody knows what they want to be, but I guess I just am a loner for not knowing what I want to be in life. I mean its not that I have bad grades or anything, its just that my math and science skills are not really gonna help me get a actual and good “life”, except into a good college. Right? My thinking is that after getting into a good college is just going to help me get a good salary and that’s it.
All I thought about was just to always relaxing and playing games in my video game console room. There is wires on over and around my bed. I had a passion for video games since like ever. Games were just a natural instinct. Many people think that I am person who sits on a couch/bed and plays on video games with potato chips in the side, well guess what!. I am a stick!. I been playing basketball for about 7-8 years now and have improved drastically over the past couple of years. Our coach has this motto “Unity is strength...blah..blah..blah…,” when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.
Well my parents share this motto of going to sleep early to let your cells regenerate and blah..blah..blah.” So, basically I kinda get reminded of mottos like pretty much every single minute of my life. Go to school “Unity……,” come back home, “Go…….!” So yeah, that’s another part of my life.
So this is how school starts…………………………………!!!