This character I got more and more interested, as with so many. I came up with the idea of a elf raised by Gnomes and how he would have a really quirky personality. As I built upon it he became more alive and like Aurora, just wants to go out into the world to do good as he also has her same deity too. Update: Because of his personality it's suggested that the being distracting was more due to hitting on all the boys and girls in his class and school and not taking the intense study seriously or respecting others when he's finished with his own work. This and the Golarian Gnomes in general could be seen as having ADHD or something similar. Atleast that's how I'm going to evolve him for the remake of this later. Especially as I've been diagnosed with these things I feel more connected to this character. Once again I'm adding these links. I think I legitimately got bored of adding them and decided not to bother: Pathfinder Society: Elves: Gnomes: Omesta (hometown): Kyonin: Magus: Liberty's Edge: Rights Reserved