"What're all these empty jars for?" I ask absent-mindedly, forgetting that she hated to be asked questions. She smirked at me and said, "For all the broken hearts I collect." -- It's been three months since Rowan Jene (only Quinn knew her middle name) Missimer has sadly committed suicide. No one asked how or why, especially since very few people liked her, considering that she was the heartbreak girl. But anyway, it's been three months, everyone has moved on, including Quinn (the best she's been able to), when a letter arrives in the mail addressed to the poor girl. And, of course, it's from Rowan. Except, it's not to tell Quinn that she'll miss her or that she wishes the best for her, it's to explain the stupid little tale about the jars in the shed. That's it. -- © whiskey_at_midnight 2015All Rights Reserved
3 parts