In the ancient city of Kyoto, where the delicate dance of cherry blossoms whispers tales of tradition, lived a young soul named Akira Kagetsu. Akira was no ordinary teenager; his blood carried a legacy of demons, a heritage that drew the scornful eyes of those around him. At the tender age of 16, he navigated the intricate corridors of high school, where whispers of his supernatural lineage painted him as an outcast.
Yet, within the shadows of rejection, Akira harbored an indomitable spirit, a flame fueled by the longing for acceptance. Fate, in its enigmatic design, guided him to another soul yearning for connection-Sora Fujimoto, a 15-year-old whose uniqueness invited a different form of cruelty.
Sora's eyes, as deep as the midnight sky, held the weight of a thousand stories. His every step echoed the rhythm of a heart that had tasted the bitterness of isolation. The two, Akira and Sora, found solace in the understanding gaze they shared across crowded hallways.
As seasons changed and cherry blossoms fell, a bond blossomed between them. United by the strength found in accepting their differences, they embarked on a journey of self-discovery. In each other, they discovered the courage to defy the prejudice that sought to shackle their spirits.
But the tranquility of their newfound camaraderie was shattered when the demonic echoes of their parentage resurfaced. Unbeknownst to them, a sinister plot unfolded within the ancient stones of Kyoto. Their parents, once banished for their malevolent deeds, sought to unleash chaos upon the world once more.
"This is Hell, isn't it?"
"No. It's the bad side of Heaven."
A story about Kaede and his husband Akira. Both forced into marriage and both unable to refuse.
Akira, a cruel and heartless man. Dangerous in every aspect. Heir to the Inugami family and crowned king of money.
Kaede, a disciplined and stubborn man. But broken beyond repair. One day he stood at the top of the world with everything he wished for beneath his feet, the next... he had been pulled from his throne by his demons.
Now living a life, locked in a house with a man who would rather see him buried six feet underground.
So how come... he loved this man more than he loved himself?
#1 toxicrelationship
#2 darker
#1 mentalabuse
#10 in disability