In this captivating tale, we follow the journey of a young boy who harbors a deep dislike for the school president. Little does he know that the school president is secretly interested in him. Fate takes an unexpected turn when these two seemingly opposite individuals find themselves locked in a super tiny room filled with gymnastic instruments such as balls or rackets. It is within the confines of this room that the school president seizes the opportunity to make a bold move and kisses the younger boy, leaving him utterly shocked. From that moment on, everything changes. The younger boy starts to see the school president in a different light, and his curiosity slowly transforms into genuine interest. Despite facing criticism and hatred from their peers, the two boys and their close friends remain steadfast, refusing to let the opinions of others dictate their feelings. As their connection deepens, the school president musters up the courage to ask the young boy to the highly anticipated prom. Overjoyed and filled with excitement, the younger boy eagerly accepts. However, as their feelings for each other intensify, they find it increasingly challenging to conceal their emotions from the prying eyes of those around them. This heartfelt story explores themes of self-discovery, acceptance, and the power of love. It delves into the complexities of navigating relationships amidst societal pressures and showcases the resilience of two individuals who refuse to let prejudice define their happiness.