Shantell Santana Gray is certified green minded doctor that you've ever meet but don't be fooled by her craziness because she can kill a person in a blink of an eye... She is survivor... She chose to live for her family... She needs justice for them... And for her "death is easiest way to survive" Don't don't play with her or you'll die... Plagiarism is a crime! BLURB Lumière d'ombre Organization was secretly built to help the government. They were the one who did dangerous things againsts the illegal organization. The members of the Lumière d'ombre Organization are hard to catch. Not even one of them has been arrested yet. Members were trained hard, They are also called Ombre du vent because of its movements. Five orphaned women, unaliked mindset, dissimilar choices, were adopted by the elder from a secret organization. The elder trained them privately to develop their skills and strenght. What if on their mission they meet someone? Five men who are also under another organization? Did they work to help the government? Or Their mission is to kill the five legends of the organization? LUZ DE VIDA SERIES Series #1:The broken soul -Kielylicious Series #2: Her Darkest Past -Chienotpretty Series #3: Her Formidable Abomination -Papirpen Series#4: Fallen Petal -Aylheksis Series #5: Sinful Thorns -Lady_Jian