4 parts Ongoing MatureIn a world ravaged by the undead, 15-year-old Kasper, an autistic boy, finds himself at a remote camp in the mountains of Atlanta, seeking refuge from the chaos that has overtaken the world. After a camping trip with his father and younger sister Agnes turns tragic with the end of the world, Kasper must navigate the harsh realities of a world where every day is a fight for survival.
As he grapples with his new life, he unexpectedly forms a bond with Daryl Dixon, a hardened survivor known for his cold demeanor and reluctance to connect with others. Daryl, who typically keeps people at arm's length, sees something in Kasper that sparks a flicker of warmth within him. Together, they face the lurking dangers of the outside world, while Daryl teaches Kasper the essential skills needed to survive. Through their unlikely partnership, Kasper learns to embrace his strengths and confront his fears, ultimately discovering that autism cannot define him.
★ includes many sensitive subjects
★ rewrite of the book 'soul silence.'
★ started november 20th, 2024.
© superluvsick | 2024.
season 1 -
the walking dead x found family
[soul silence]
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