He was gone, dead. Her eyes spilled over, leaking every last bit of salty water that coated them, leaving her gray eyes feeling dry and empty just like her heart now was. The agony built up, escaping her throat in the form of a gutteral cry, the most raw emotion she'd ever displayed. It was as if somebody had turned the faucet of her gray eyes to full blast and then tore off the levers. She doubled over, clutching onto the dark-haired boy. Maybe he'd come back if she held onto him tight enough. Maybe he'd notice the pools off tears that were dribbling onto his emotionless face and finally open up those gorgeous green eyes and smile at her. Now... She could never see that smile again. Nor would she see her own. The world seemed to turn upside down, falling into disarray with him gone. The taunting bright blue of the sky shifted to a muted gray, as if even the sky itself was mourning the boy. Her own heart wrenched with pain. He was her anchor and now she was left alone, drowning in this endless sea of sadness where he would once create a bubble of air around her. She could fix almost anything, solve almost any problem, but this? He was gone, really, TRULY gone. Forever gone. And so was her heart, sinking like Atlantis in her ocean of tears.