one day a girl wanted some icecream, but i nevered buyed her one. The next day she asked my again, but i said no your sick right now ! then she started to yell at me. So angry that she hit me but not with her hand with her shoe she threw it to me. I got so mad i told her not to do that ever again and she kept doing it and i hit her hard i left her a red cut. i was so sorry that i told her i'll go buy her an icecream but she refused and said ima tell the cops on you and she started yelling saying help me she trying to rob me !!!!! Someone heard her and called the cops but the lady said be queit im your mom. but she said no my mom is not mean like you. A few minutes later the cops came and shot the lady for trying to run away and the mother of the little girl fell and said IM YOUR MOM !!!! The little girl then said what have you done!! You killed my mom !!!