In the heart of Japan, where heroes and villains dance on the thin line between chaos and order, Katsuki Bakugou faces a daunting mission against a shadowy organization. A message from his childhood friend, Izuku Midoriya, leads to an unexpected revelation: Y/N, a hero with a unique Wind Quirk and a painful past, holds the key to victory.
As Y/N returns to Japan, love blossoms between her and Bakugou, bringing warmth to a city gripped by darkness. Can their bond, forged in the crucible of heroism, stand strong against the threat of villains and the shadows of Y/N's past?
(Like my cringe little description)
Authors Note *
Hi this is a slow burn story!!
This fanfic is set a couple years after graduation. While I've tried to keep major spoilers at bay, please be aware that some references to recent events in the manga might be present in the story. If you're not up to date with the manga, consider this a heads-up!
I like reading fics where they have an older Bakugou, but they ain't much out there so here I am writing one myself hehe
Oh and for the record I am in no way what so ever an experience writer so this story is gonna far from perfect (this fic will definitely have grammar and spelling errors so just bare with me)
I've also added my own creative twist within the story since the fic is set in the future so Bakugou may act a little more mature
Enjoy :)
Disclaimer *
I do not own the characters or the main story line!!
This fic will contain swearing and adultish themes including future smut chapters so u have been warned!!
The Miracle Child: WTS; Aiden Steiner & Derek Hale
6 parts Ongoing Mature
6 parts
Stephen Strange brings the Avengers, people of Beacon Hills that are important to the McCall Pack or will be in the future, the Mikaelson's, and old friends of a certain someone from the Salvatore School to watch the past and future after seeing how tragic the future looks to prevent it.
Takes place during Season 2 of Teen Wolf