In a world where everyone is a Saiyan, abilities are varied and complex. Eighty percent of the population has quirks that grant them unique powers, while the remaining twenty percent are pure Saiyans without any. Among the quirkless, strength can range from weak to remarkably strong. Now we are here to watch the young hero, Izuku midoriya and see how he will do in this world.
(Note: The power levels for Saiyans in this universe, based on Dragon Ball, are as follows:
Low Class:
Birth: 130 PL
End of Garden: 800
Middle School: 2,300
High School: 5,700
Pro Heroes: 10,000
Middle Class:
Birth: 250
End of Garden: 1,900
Middle School: 3,600
High School: 9,200
Pro Heroes: 17,800
Elite Class:
Birth: 450
End of Garden: 2,500
Middle School: 6,800
High School: 14,200
Pro Heroes: 35,000
These classes represent the power levels of Saiyans who have trained moderately and received little to no Zenkai.
Additionally, those with quirks, like All Might, have a multiplier system: for example, 1% is 1.1, while 100% is 100. Pretty simple, right?)