in which you find yourself in ghost of Tsushima aka ghost of PEAK FAN SERVICE CAUSE GAWD DAMN JIN IS HOT AS HELL I'm sorry bro anyway you wanna rizz the guy up but guess who's too much of a pussy to even TALK to the guy⁉️⁉️⁉️ that's right bro YOU 🫵🫵🫵 so you just follow him around helping him with your weird ass skill THAT YOU DIDN'T EVEN KNOW YOU HAD GAWD DAYUM YOU FEEL STRONG AS FUCK and also trying your best to act normal considering how the way you talk and joke is frowned upon in their timeline AND YOUR ASS PHYSICALLY NEEDS TO BE LIKED BY PEOPLE FOR SUM REASON SO YEAHHHH HAVE A GOOD READDD POOKIES 💋💋 (there's like zero fanfics about jin and i wanna wife that man up so badly like bro he's so pookie "b-but he killed like a thousand of people he's not a po-" I'm gonna disrespectfully stop you right there bro that man is a pookie wookie gookie zookie xookie cookie lookie bookie nookie mookie aookie uookie qookie jookie oookie fookie tookie rookie eookie vookie iookie dookie kookie sookie hookie gookie ALL KINDS OF OOKIES) -‼️I DON'T OWN GHOST OF TSUSHIMA (obviously, but i see a lot of writers state this for some god damn reason and being the baby writer i am i gotta copy that shit like a dumbass student copying his smart friend's homework and not understanding a single thing from it)‼️ -‼️ALTHOUGH THIS BOOK IS MARKED AS MATURE I DO NOT PLAN ON MAKING Y'ALL FUCK JIN (who tf am i lying too? yes i am planing that,the problem is i have no idea how to write smut so it's not gonna happen😞) IT'S FOR THE BLOOD AND DIRTY JOKES AND THE WEIRD ASS THOUGHTS Y'ALL ARE GONNA HAVE FRFR‼️ -‼️THE READER IS GENDER NEUTRAL BUT SINCE THE TIMELINE IS DIFFERENT I PLAN ON MAKING THE CHARACTERS DESCRIBE YOUR VOICE AND LOOKS (ex: masculine/feminine and they'd assume and shit ykyk?) AND SHIT SINCE THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND LGTBQ+ STUFF (dw i plan on making the reader try to explain to the characters what being gender neutral is and alCreative Commons (CC) Attribution