On a planet in a different universe, named Orlia, lays a castle. A very important one. Our main character, Viktória,went out to space because of her work, a soldier. The spaceship had a malfunction,it was envaded by enemies moments before it blew up, turned out, the enemies were the ones that made the spaceship have a malfunction. Although, they didn't manage to catch Viktória. She managed to escape and landed on a planet, named Orlia. Her plan is to escape this planet without any injuries, and also bring some news for the people back on earth, that a new planet has been discovered by her that has life. Although, she'll have to check if it's Safe first. What adventures will meet our Fellow Vik on her time there? Will she get to meet her family that has died or will it be a suprise? Find out by reading!All Rights Reserved
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