In this captivating tale, "Psycho Redemption" we follow the twisted journey of Patrick Bateman, a remorseless killer from the modern world, as he faces a karmic reckoning. After meeting a grisly end, Bateman finds himself reborn in a fantastical realm of magic and swords. Now stripped of his former privilege and plunged into the lowest echelons of this magical society, Patrick embarks on a tumultuous path of redemption. Confronting the horrors of his past, he battles not only the oppressive social order but also the darkness within himself. In a world that demands courage and righteousness, Patrick struggles to adapt, seeking to overcome his malevolent tendencies and make amends for the atrocities he committed in his previous life. As Patrick navigates this realm of enchantment, he faces numerous trials and tribulations, meeting allies and adversaries alike. Through his encounters and experiences, he begins to question his violent nature and grapple with the possibility of genuine change. Witness Patrick's transformative journey from a ruthless murderer to a person striving to embody the best version of himself, as he challenges the expectations of society and grapples with the inner demons that threaten to consume him. "Psycho Redemption" is a tale of redemption, self-discovery, and the indomitable human spirit in the face of adversity.
in which charlotte carrera finds herself more conflicted than she has ever been in her entire life.
rafe cameron x fem! oc || seasons one + two + three of outer banks!
started: 08.14.21
finished: tbd