In a heartwarming love story, two women, deeply in love, prepare to embark on their journey towards marriage. Their love is strong, their bond unbreakable. However, as their wedding day approaches, fate throws a devastating challenge their way. One of the brides mysteriously disappears, sending shockwaves through their lives.
In their desperate pursuit to reunite, both are confronted with choices and consequences they never expected.
This story explores the depths of love, the strength of relationships, and the challenges that can strain even the most profound connections. It's a tale of resilience, self-discovery, and the enduring power of love, as these two women face a test that could redefine their lives.
"I love you to the moon..."
"And back, Fia."
Fina is a Enforcers Daughter, she's been harshly trained by her father all her life. On the night of the change, to which you could find your soul mate- Fina finds hers. He's of course the soon to be Alpha, however he doesn't want her. Its not sweat off Fina's back, she's more worried about her Family finding out then being rejected. Her feet carry her to a deeper part of the forest, one she shouldn't of gone into. When things twist and stories become a reality Fina will have to pick what side she wants to be part of.