Haze Stryker Thorn, known by the moniker "The Ghoul," is a solitary and enigmatic soldier who operates in the shadows. With a reputation that strikes fear into the hearts of their targets, The Ghoul is a master of the art of assassination. Their lethal skills and unparalleled precision make them a force to be reckoned with in the clandestine world of covert operations.
Dressed in a sleek, all-black tactical suit, Haze Stryker Thorn moves with the grace and agility of a predator stalking its prey. Their piercing, ice-blue eyes, framed by a mane of dark, tousled hair, hold an intensity that reflects their unwavering focus and determination. The Ghoul's face is concealed behind a custom-made mask, adorned with intricate markings that strike fear into those who catch a glimpse of it.
Operating as a lone wolf, The Ghoul is a master of stealth, blending seamlessly into the shadows and leaving no trace behind. Their arsenal includes an array of specialized weapons, each chosen with meticulous care to ensure maximum efficiency in eliminating their targets. Whether it's a silent blade or a precisely aimed sniper shot, The Ghoul's executions are swift, precise, and hauntingly effective.
Beneath the surface of this lethal soldier lies a complex individual. Haze is haunted by a troubled past, their soul consumed by the darkness that comes with their chosen path. The weight of their actions and the toll it takes on their conscience is a burden they bear silently, hidden behind the mask that has become their identity.
A ragtag gang of teens teams up with a neighboring girl gang when a major cartel moves into town, threatening their families, their turf, and the community they've worked so hard to protect.
Cash West formed the Seven 20s - a gang of six overzealous teens with guns - to keep his tiny, crime-infested town in nowhere California safe. His methods are unorthodox and frankly illegal, but the town loves his Robin Hood heroics. However, the gang gets more than they bargained for when the Mendoza cartel rolls into town, determined to knock them off the map. As the threat hits closer to home, Cash has no choice but to team up with his ex-girlfriend Tiana's neighboring girl gang, the Hearts of Spades. Soon allies become enemies, families get trapped in the crossfire, and romance brews as Cash fights to unravel a massive conspiracy that puts everyone that matters to him at risk. When the stakes are life and death, will the gangs be able to overcome an enemy more powerful than any of them could have predicted?
Book One of The Seven Twenties Series
Content and Trigger Warning: contains violence, drug use, mentions of domestic abuse, and mature themes.