In a world plagued by demons, Nezuko's life takes a surprising turn as she unexpectedly crosses paths with Muichiro Tokito, the enigmatic Mist Hashira. Having only met him briefly before and after the battle with Upper Moon 4, she finds herself intrigued by his presence in her life.
However, as her journey unfolds, Nezuko begins experiencing vivid dreams with Muichiro at the center, leaving her perplexed and longing for answers. It's a mystery that will challenge the very essence of their connection.
But destiny has more in store. As Nezuko regains her humanity and memories, she realizes that her interactions with Muichiro have left an indelible mark on her heart. Muichiro, too, survives the brutal battle against Upper Moon 1, but his body is scarred, and his spirit shattered.
Unbeknownst to Muichiro, Nezuko's unwavering support for him during his comatose state in the infirmary binds their fates. Her determination to stand by him through thick and thin creates a unique bond that will forever alter the course of their lives.
As their time together deepens, their connection transcends friendship, turning into a complex mix of love, desire, and protection. A single night of shared dreams unveils their deepest desires, and the revelation sets them on a path of undeniable passion.
Years pass, and their bond only grows stronger. Muichiro, now healed in body and spirit, takes a bold step and proposes to Nezuko. Their love blossoms even further when they welcome a set of twins into their lives, cementing their family bond. As parents, partners, and protectors, Nezuko and Muichiro face the challenges of life together, forging a love that will withstand the tests of time.
Madison Bamford has always lived on the small island, Outer Banks, some might even call it paradise on earth. The Bamford family was well known, being one of the most influential families around. If you wanted to be someone in the Kook hierarchy you would try and become close to them.
Maddy had always been the perfect girl in everyone's eyes, she would do as she was told and she was amazing at pretending everything was perfect.
That perfect life was about to change when she gets closer to the blonde Cameron boy, it started to make her think about choosing between good and evil. Because love makes you human and yet it makes you go beyond humanity.
!Mature Content!
1st in #rafecameron -04.04.23, 07.06.23
Season 1 - completed 6. April 2023
Season 2 - completed 17. May 2023
Season 3 - completed 25. November 2024
Season 4 -