هذه ليست قصة وانما مقولات تكبت في اعماقي
كانت تكبت طويلا واتى وقت ظهورها
هي لا تعني الاساءه وانما طريقة تفكيري الخاصه
ربما ليست محترفه ولكنها من انقى ما افكر به بظروف الحياة
تعني ان مازال هناك اشخاص بقلوب صافية يريدون سلامة الجميع..
It's not just Story
But words that are hidden deep inside me
It had been hidden inside me for a long time, and the time had come for it to emerge
This is not meant to offend in any way, but rather my opinion
Maybe it's not professional, but it's one of the purest things I think about life's circumstances
It means that there are still people with pure hearts who want the safety of everyone.