In the summers between school, a young Hermione Granger finds companionship in a mysterious young wizard near her family's country home in Wiltshire. They share their troubles under the comfort of their respective anonymity until one fateful encounter destroys their fragile refuge from the real world. Years later, after a war that devastated Wizarding Europe, Hermione's one wish is to pursue higher education for her Potions Mastery. Only, one clause leftover from deeply entrenched Muggle-born prejudice sends Hermione into the grueling social season with one goal in mind; to marry the least terrible eligible wizard. To her misfortune, a scandalous case of mistaken identity binds her future to a man who is certain to be the worst of all. Draco Malfoy; the new Duke of Wiltshire, a war hero, and the boy who broke her heart. ‼️‼️‼️NOT MY STORY ALL CREDITS TO stars_in_motion ON AO3!!