HELLO! I am USS Cowpens CVL 25! One of the Eagle unions many azured vessels, I like a hand full of others am male! I started my life as a Cleveland Class Light cruiser, and was converted into a light aircraft carrier before my completion! I received 12 battle stars during the second world war, being one star behind USS Essex at war's end! Whom was a full sized carrier and one of the most advanced carriers of the navy I served under at the time! I'm a rather shy vessel, and I struggle to make friends, specially with the female ships of my nation, as women make me nervous! Despite this, I do make friends with them, just not as easily as I do the male vessels of my nation! in this story I fight along side my fellow warships to bring freedom, peace, and safety to the world once more! Defeating Sirens, and hopefully defeating Red Axis! Along the way witnessing my friends growing up into better men and women, creating their own families, making meaningful life long friends, relationships, and contacts to fight for around the globe! Along the way finding myself a wife, and having myself a family worth fighting for!
17 year-old Jacob lived in a small peaceful village just on the beach side far from any major city or town. He lived a great life with his family. He has 1 older sister, 1 younger sister, and 2 younger brothers, as well as his mother and father. They each cared for each other very much and would stand up to any threat that faced them. Only 63 people lived in the village besides Jacob and his family. Everyone knew each other and was very kind. One day though, that peace Jacob felt was shattered when beings from another word showed up. These beings were known as Sirens. Jacob and his family stood up to any threat, but against the Sirens? What happened to the village, to Jacob and his family, and what will Jacob do to stop the threat of the Sirens?
*Disclaimer* I do not own any characters or events that are in this fanfic. Any images, videos, or songs are held by their respectful owners. Azur Lane is held by their respected company/companies.