There is no doubting the hard work of Donald Sonn. He is a well-trained physician whose specialty is in urology. Urology is no easy specialty to have; the treatment of the diseases in the urinary tract of men and women and the reproductive system of men is an area of medicine that takes a lot of studying to gain a solid foundation of, in order to practice with success. Sonn has been working practicing nonstop since he joined the Urology Group of Western New England in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1997. His membership of Massachusetts Medical Society and voting membership of the American Urologic Association is another showing of Sonn’s commitment to his medical field.
The rare times Sonn is not helping patients with their urology issues in the office, Donald Sonn still likes to make a difference by using his time to volunteer. “Volunteering s about more than just doing a good deed it is a great way to get out in the community and be a part of it.” Says Doctor Donald Sonn. The avid volunteer meets new people often through volunteering.
With adult literacy programs, Meals on Wheels program, food distribution center, homeless shelters, campus cleanups, and other volunteering programs, there is no reason a person cannot find something they are interested in to join and help make a difference. Donald Sonn recommends checking out soup kitchens and bike co-ops, which are nearly always looking for good members to join their cause. Volunteering is a great way to change up life’s schedule and shake up a daily routine.