Celebrity Couple Season 2 is about Jakehoon BL twin flame journey for love, acceptance & better s3x for all genders. Don't be modest, you know your s3x life is lacking. They will talk to ascended masters, filter out the bs*, and guide you through the secret pathway to true love ascension with your forever person.
How to attract the right souls, not the jezebels. You f* from the heart, like immortals, weeding out the gold digging materialistic b* (not gender specific). Dump the dating app. Stop going to the gym/bar. Don't let your insecure ego dictate your fulfillment. It's not about quantity, but quality when your O is at another level.
Learn 100+ s3x positions and 7 chakras to ecstasy. How to keep it fun, light, playful, seductive, intense, mindblowing, entertaining in equal parts/pleasure with both parties giving/receiving and no monetary exchange needed. They'll do the research (Jake) and run it through clinical trials (Sunghoon), to deliver a top-notch product guide for the survival of mankind.
- When destiny is chasing you down, and all you can think about is d* jokes?
- Isn't this a marketing plot to sell more products? Like K-pop without the veil of innocence.
- Wait there are multiple O levels? Sign me up.
- You mean I don't have to leave after s3x, I can stay the whole night and you'll make me bf.
- You'll call me back the next day, not because you forgot something.
- You're not going to ignore/mistreat/gas light/love bomb/breadcrumb me to make me want you more, cuz I'm an idiot.
- I'll learn self-respect. What the f* is that?
- No need for defcon 1 drama\toxicity for a great f*
- This from a born-again virgin? Does mb* count? No. Then STFU.
- What's our mission? Authentic love. What's that? When you bear your soul f* physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually to reach Kundalini Awakening\fulfillment. With you? STFU.
- Do the work and enjoy the journey as you align with your forever p* (not gender specific).
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
social media & irl
(Updates every day or every other day)