The Polar Star, a state-of-the-art research vessel, set sail with a diverse crew of brilliant students embarking on a prestigious academic mission. Their purpose was clear: to take part in a cutting-edge scientific experiment, aimed at exploring uncharted territories of marine life and climate phenomena. As the ship ventured further into the open sea, the students eagerly delved into their research, captivated by the boundless possibilities of discovery.
But soon, an inexplicable and powerful storm materialized out of nowhere, far more intense than anything the crew had anticipated. The tempest raged with fury, forcing the Polar Star to battle relentless waves and howling winds. When the storm finally subsided, a strange silence descended. The crew found themselves isolated in an eerily still ocean, cut off from the world they once knew. All communications with Earth had vanished, leaving them stranded with no way to reach out or receive help.
<Book 3> It has been approximately two years since the incident with Khan. Penny and the crew has seen the vastness of space; the cold, empty, realm that is the universe. When a new threat comes upon them and separates them, they will have to find a way to reach out to one another once more.