Set against the vibrant backdrop of Jakarta's creative pulse, Dony, a charismatic businessman, content creator, and soulful musician, orchestrates a journey of harmony and friendship with Tya, whose unspoken affection hums in the air like a tender melody. Their idyllic world encounters a whimsical twist with the arrival of Hery Yulianto, a smooth-talking antagonist whose disruptive presence adds a playful yet dramatic tempo to their narrative. As the tale of ambition and camaraderie unfolds, Dony and Tya find themselves dancing to the rhythm of camaraderie and resilience, composing a symphony of authenticity and friendship that resonates through the bustling streets of their creative universe.
A WOSO Oneshot book
Oneshots of favourite Women's footballers
Mainly the Lionesses, Arsenal Women's team,Chelsea Women's team, Man City Women's team and Man Utd Women's team