Twin Gods, Born Of The Fabric Of Time, Space, Fate, Life, Death, And Existence Themselves... Named Genesis and Gianseetal... Both Wise And Knowledgeable, The Two Created The World Of Teyvat Together, And Descended Upon Their Creation To Give It Life. For Seven Thousand Years They Worked Tirelessly, Making everything exactly the way they had planned. Choosing a single nation each to rest in, they chose Khaenri'ah and Sumeru, and fell into a deep slumber together. Their power fueled the land, and made it more vibrant and life-bearing than before, claiming the world as their creation. Ages passed, Eras Rose And Fell, But The Twins, Known As The Genshi To The Archons, Never Woke Once. Until Five Hundred Years After The Destruction Of Khaenri'ah, and to say they were angry with Celestia was a MASSIVE Understatement! Seas raged, creatures roared, and monsters crumbled to dust upon the younger Twin, Genesis', awakening in Sumeru, where he had slumbered for around 500 years longer than his older twin brother had in the place where he rested in the now destroyed Khaenri'ah. Thankfully, The Younger Genshi's wrath was sated by the presence of the Archons, who explained why they had destroyed Khaenri'ah in private, explaining that they were forced to by Celestia, controlled by their very Gnosis to harm the Nation that the brothers themselves had created. Soon After finding out why, The Elder Genshi awoke, and was FURIOUS at Celestia for harming the ones he considered his nieces and nephews, as, by the law of creation, the Archons were the children of The Younger Genshi, and he treated them as such. But... what the people didn't know was that the two had decided to take up residence in Mondstadt, waiting for the So-Called 'Sustainer Of Heavenly Principles' to show, just so they could rid their world of any tyranny caused by her arrogance. In this time, Gianseetal reunited with his husband, Kaeya Alberich, and Genesis found himself in love with Kaeya's fiery brother, Diluc.