In the year 2089, the world witnesses the creation of Octoman, a hybrid test entity born from scientific experimentation. His existence is the result of extensive research, conducted in secret labs by a group of scientists who initially sought military applications for their experiments. However, these tests were far from complete, and Octoman's powers remained untamed and uncontrollable.
A traumatic event during Octoman's time in a coma links him to Icarus, a mysterious figure who instigated the death of Octoman's family. This deep trauma fuels Octoman's intense vendetta against Icarus, and his actions teeter on the edge of being both hero and villain.
As the story unfolds, a bigger threat emerges, forcing Octoman to reluctantly form an alliance with the scientists who created him, the very individuals he once despised. Icarus, aware of the scientists' involvement in Octoman's escape, becomes a formidable adversary, and their shared history adds a personal dimension to their conflict.
Octoman's complex character is defined by his dual nature - a deeply scarred and vengeful soul, yet a force for good when the world needs saving. The comic delves into Octoman's internal struggles, trauma, and his quest for redemption as he navigates a morally gray world where alliances are fluid, loyalties are tested, and the line between good and evil blurs.
In a high-tech society, warriors use "cyphers" as weapons, allowing them to program real-world effects in battle. However, these scrolls need mastery, and ancient ones can be unstable and dangerous.