The Snack Pack Life is a Human!AU sitcom that focuses on the lives of the Snack Pack, a pop band composed of an optimistic lead guitarist and the overachieving daughter of Senator Peppy Monteiro, Penelope "Poppy" Monteiro, cynical bassist, Bernardo "Branch" Rivera, temperamental best friend and lead singer, Rosita "Rose" Madrigal, and the rest of their band, laidback music prodigy, Diana Jane "DJ" Suki Reyes, rapper, Cooper Jackson, bodybuilding trans woman drummer, Samantha "Smidge" Redfeather, meek and gentle animal lover/keyboardist, Barley "Biggie" Williams with his Pomeranian, Mr. Dinkles, flamboyant, life-of-the-party trans man keytarist, Dananjay "Guy Diamond" Maheswaran, and the fashionable Nakamura twins, social butterfly and rhythm guitarist, Setsuko "Satin", and peacock synthesizer player/cellist, Chihiro "Chenille". When they signed a contract with Trollstopia Records, they tried to navigate the ups and downs of their new celebrity lives that go with wealth, fame, and power while living their normal lives in Harmonia Falls, California, and working on albums and other projects in order for them to go international.
Warning: This contains sex, violence, strong language, nudity, crass humor, inappropriate stuff, strong drinking, and much more. Viewer discretion is advised.
Nothing like a pandemic to bring the family together.
When an email comes that says his boyfriend (A.K.A. the love of his life) (A.K.A. literal freckled Adonis) of 4 month's dad is sick, foster child Micah encourages Simon Hopkins to reconnect with his estranged family. But after a national lockdown is declared, they're left stranded with a family who claim to have never sent the email in the first place.
The longer lockdown stretches, the more Micah sees how bad things are in the Hopkins household. That's not to mention the animosity that everyone has towards Simon since he left. Now Micah has a mission - mend things within the dysfunctional household, get closer with his future in-laws, and do what he can to survive.
An LGBTQ+ Drama about Family and Isolation, Relationships, and the Consequences of the Mistakes We Make.
(Contains homophobic slurs, profanity, and light mental health issues. Some light NSFW content.)