The story revolves around a special fox named Zephyr who possesses the ability to walk, talk, and think like a human, living in a world primarily consisting of furries. As a gay anthrophomorphic fox, Zephyr embarks on a self-discovery journey to embrace his true identity. Throughout his journey, Zephyr encounters similar struggles faced by other furries and explores the depths of his identity while challenging stereotypes and societal expectations. He discovers a supportive community where his identity is celebrated, forming deep, lasting bonds, and ultimately learns that his true self is the key to happiness. The story revolves around themes of love, acceptance, and inclusivity, exhibiting the transformative powers of self-love and the importance of embracing one's identity.
Melanie och hennes klass ska på klassresa till spanien i 2 veckor,lärararna bestämmer vem man ska dela rum med och Melanie blir inte lycklig över hennes rumskompis