(An experimental story, public opinion is appreciated, needed for criticism and etc. The story is supposed to be ridden with mysteries, and many more emotional moments, all while keeping a nice fantastical feel. Not meant to be very quality atp, more of a rough draft)
Gods, a touched upon topic that almost everyone has thought about, or fantasized about. But, with this event held by the gods, many come to learn of their existence... but what about their motives?
"CHOOSE YOUR GOD" An event known by every god, and held by every god. It takes participants from all over the cosmos, to see how they deal with new friends, enemies, a new start to their very life! All through the miracle of reincarnation.
Or so, they thought. The gods, although immortal, and seemingly all powerful, had their own motives with this event, entertainment from these chosen participants. Which of course, makes sense? For such high and mighty beings, witnessing their chosen live a life only seen in an epic tale of their choice should be exciting!
But for the participants, their existence overall is paramount to torture. And so, many rebelled, and failed.
But failure won't persist.