10 years have past since the great temma war we are currently in a office where there sits a beautiful lady with golden eyes that could look through the soul and platinum blue hair behind a desk on top of it were stacks of paper and that hero is rimuru tempest the void dragon or chaos creator or sign of hope look sad then there was a big blast where the middle of the town is and the statue of rimuru is there stood a dragon which is black and purple in color and that was Ivaragé the dragon of chaos how was he there after he died he got revived because of his willpower and he was stronger than prime veldanava after he got revived he when on a rampage and destroy everything and killed rimuru but the manas inside of rimuru was still alive because he spilt his soul from his manas so ciel could live after that ciel was so angry and distraught of what happed that is a fit of rage killed Ivaragé once and for alll after is the time both were fighting they destroyed everything which made the universe like what it will be at the end of time and space but some how ciel was alive in that she use the skill Yog-Sothoth lord of spacetime to go back in time when rimuru just got reincarnated as a slime and help him why did she do this because she loved rimuru as her master (but that what she thought but what she loved rimuru as was as a person as a lover) i don't know anything related to tensuraAll Rights Reserved