Merideth Hayes and Archer Montgomery. Two broken kids who found each other at their lowest and vowed never to leave the other's side. Until one day they were forced to separate, and Archer left with the promise to come back. Eleven years have now passed with no hint of reunion. Merideth thinks she would never see him again, but that is changed when she sees the name "Archer" written on the door right in front of hers as she is moving into her new school. Soon they realize how different they both have become in their separated years. Merideth Hayes: A broken person wearing the mask of a hopeless romantic, sunshine girl whose one dream is to find someone who would truly understand and want her. Though, on the inside, she is miserable carrying the weight of her childhood and the intruding thoughts she can't block out. The people living in her labeled "home" are constantly there to remind her how useless she is and isn't capable of receiving love. All she wants now is to be truly happy. Archer Montgomery: A mono-tone, mysterious man known for only finding happiness in bed with the many girls he couldn't even name. He has created this wall around his true self that even his friends only have half access through. On the inside he hides his scars and hurt, masking it as someone the complete opposite. He hides his past from most and tries to forget it himself but can't. He chooses to distance himself from people as he doesn't want to go through the same pain he did as a child. His life has gone dark and deep inside he knows he needs his sunshine. 11 years ago: "I really really really like Archer so much, but Father always tells me that I am not good enough for anyone to like or love." - Merideth Hayes. "I really like Mer. She was the only person to ever care for me. I don't want to leave her. She looks so perfect in the picture. Her smile is like the sun, bringing sunshine to my sad life." - Archer MontgomeryAll Rights Reserved