It was a bit...ironic, honestly.
He (was he a 'he'? or was he a 'she'? he- she- they- didn't remember the life before all of this...) was just a regular person, as so he thinks, he didn't remember much of his actual past life. Just that he was human and..just normal.
He didn't really expect to die and reincarnate, again and again and again and-
Well, his reincarnation just repeated, over and over and over and over and over....
Well anyways, he found it a bit ironic. why? well, he'd never thought that reincarnation was a thing, and that he've been practically daydreaming about it in his past life.
But he was envious. Just slightly, he didn't wanna be rude, besides, other people aren't experiencing what he's experiencing. If they don't know his problems, that's fine.
That was fine, at least they didn't have to die so gruesomely or lonely everytime they die. And at least they didn't have to wake up, knowing that this was a new life and that the people around you didn't know you weren't yourself as a whole.
That was fine, at least THEY didn't want to die one final time everyday.
That was fine.
Thing is, he never care if he had to destroy or not.
He used to love it, the feeling that come with see entire universes crumble under his hand was great, it was the thing he was born to do.
But that was back on his multiverse, on his home.
This place was no his home, this childish and selfish Creator wasn't the one he had loved so much, this creator never stopped and never care for how much universes he was making and had the audacity to call him a "villain" just for doing was born to do!
Left to say, he wasn't gonna just accept this and spend the rest of his life on this place, he was gonna find a way to go back or die in the process.
He didn't planned to bring no one else with him thought.