In the heart of bustling Seoul, a quiet storm is brewing as Leon, a charismatic French teenager, embarks on a life-changing journey. The Leon family relocates from Paris to South Korea, bringing their own brand of elegance and charm to the vibrant streets of Seoul. The moment Leon steps onto the campus of Hanseong High School, his arrival sends ripples through the student body.
The girls at Hanseong High School are entranced by his striking looks and exotic aura. Leon becomes the talk of the school, the subject of admiration and envy. His effortless charm and mysterious background make him an instant sensation, and Leon is soon dubbed "The New French Kid."
However, not everyone is enamored by the newcomer. Hanseong High School is more than just a place of learning; it's a battleground where local gangs and mafia syndicates wield significant influence. They see Leon as an outsider, a threat to their established power structures. Rivalry simmers, and hostility looms on the horizon.
What sets Leon apart is his unexpected command of the Korean language. His father, a linguistics professor, instilled a love for languages in him, and this skill gives him an edge in connecting with his Korean classmates. Leon quickly forges unexpected friendships with local students who admire his resilience in the face of adversity.
As his reputation grows, the rivalry intensifies, and Leon finds himself in the midst of dramatic confrontations. To protect his newfound friends and the love he's discovered, Leon must stand his ground against the relentless gangs and mafia factions. His unique blend of French elegance and Korean determination makes him a formidable contender in the underground world of Seoul.
 "The New French Kid" is a captivating tale that merges the realms of school, gangs, and the mafia. Leon, a mysterious French teenager, navigates love, power, and the unique challenges of his new life in Seoul.