A series of stories that vary widely in terms of genre, characters, and themes. If you were to ask what genre this series as a whole falls under, the answer is undoubtedly, "yes". Despite this, these stories are in fact connected. Some of which are connected in ways that even I have yet to understand. This is perhaps for the best.
In these stories, time and space, as well as cause and effect, do not work in the same ways that you and I have come to understand in real life. That being said, read these stories in any order you like, since they aren't chronologically linear. Even skip entire stories if they don't interest you. After all, even in a universe where nothing seems constant, you still have a choice.
One of the most daunting aspects of making science fictional aspirations real is the vast distances--and nearly insurmountable obstacles--between interesting space objects. Thank goodness for the fertile imaginations of sf writers, who can conquer all. Generational starships have been a staple of science fiction, from crazy metal rockets to hollowed out asteroids. Wormholes and space-bending tubes are always popular with the technology conquers all crowd. Even better; faster than light travel - which may be more honestly classified as fantasy than science fiction proper. Whatever the taxonomy, space is truly the final frontier, or the next frontier anyway. It's a great setting for some good futuristic wattpad stories.
"Different stories in one series"
"I started writing these Nobels
when i was Grade 7 ,
...and now after 3 years of collecting my braincells, I finally published this book"