I never thought it would end like this. Only 20 years old and I've met with my terrible fate. Rotting in a jail cell for as long as I live. The hallucinations, the flashbacks. They're all I have left of my memory. I no longer know who I am. I'm just convict 09. No name, no family, just me and what I have left of my memory. They guards tell me nothing about the outside world. There is no one else to talk to. I'm too dangerous they say. They lock me up alone and starve me and beat me. Drugs did this to me. I took them by accident, thinking they were just some harmless medicine. Then I started seeing things. Seeing the truth. They all thought I was crazy, a Psycho. I could see the truth about the government. The officials, they steal from us, do far worse crimes than many of the people they lock up, yet it goes unnoticed by the people. They brainwashed everyone. According to the government, I took a dangerous illegal drug and spread rumors. All I did was find the truth in a world of lies.