Izuku Midoriya Had lost his Mom and Step Dad(All Might) by AFO as he killed them when him and Izuku were fighting and after killing AFO he finds out AFO was his biological father making everyone scared of Izuku Minus UA as Izuku was sad and the only thing Holding him together was his Girlfriend but He finds her cheating on him as she laughs in his face about it and Izuku is sad and goes down hill and one day during parents day at UA everyone doesn't see Izuku until they See hound dog Carrying him as he had gotten into a brawl at a bar and he puts Izuku in his Room and later that night Kyouka Gets worried and goes to his room as her parents and Friends follow her and when she opens the door she calls his name as she hears him crying on his bed and so she goes in alone to comfort him which she does and cheers him up a little bit and she planted the seeds for her to end up with the boy she has a crush on which is IzukuAll Rights Reserved