You couldn't recall much when you woke up one day in a brightly lit world with odd faces all around. All you knew was that you must have fallen asleep at some point because the next thing you knew, a child's dream of a circus suddenly became your home. Though no one else dealt with the pains and aches you did. Constant fatigue, persistent headaches, and the inability to sleep no matter how tired you feel. Even though sleep was not necessary, you felt so close to passing out that it was debilitating. No one seemed to understand your concerns for yourself and what this could mean, except for one unlikely ally. Jax seems to know a lot more than he lets off, and it takes one sleepless night to prove it all. But what you see and experience together can't be known by others... Lest the all-seeing eyes of Caine begin to weigh heavy on your conscious and you too snap like so many before you.All Rights Reserved