okay if you're possibly a follower of mine you've definitely read one of my roblox oc stories, but have i ever told you i have gacha ocs as well? WAITWAITWAIT PLEASE dont click off the book, i get that it's kind of cringe but as a person that does not have the required ability to draw, these are the only options i can choose to make an oc
well now that you know what kind of oc it is, i'll tell you about this book
backstory/lore of a 17 year old oc with the name Devyn Asher, originally known as Devlyn Ashe. He works at a criminal organisation, and.. bla bla bla, you can go ahead and read the rest, promise it won't take too long
" Devyn, or should I call him from his real name, Devlyn Ashe (it's not much of a difference..) was only given birth to because his parents wanted someone to do the housework while they were at work for 12 hours. Not to be treated like an actual son, but just a houseworker. His parents didn't even bother to teach him anything, he had to do it all by himself. The only thing his parents did for him was enrolling him in a school, Devlyn had to work for himself to pay for the school fee. "
quick disclaimer : english is not my mother tongue, so please don't expect perfect grammar and spelling, do correct me if you see one, and i will fix it right away... oh and it's heavily inspired by entry point xD
thank you for your time, enjoy ^^
الشقة 333
"نعم كانت هي.. كانت نفس الشقة التي بدأ بها عذابي.. هكذا وقفت امامها ذلك اليوم قلبي ينبض بجنون ابحث عن الحب الذي لن اجده فيها يوماً .. بل وجدت بدله نصف الشيطان الذي كنت انا احمل نصفه الاخر..
اجل كانت حياته بين يدي وكان موتي بين يديه
سلسلة وحوش بشرية
الكاتبة : أصالة روز