In the quiet town of Crestview, Isla embarks on a dental odyssey that leads her to the bustling halls of a renowned dental clinic. Under the mentorship of Dr. Rodriguez, she witnesses the artistry of dentistry and learns the intricacies of compassionate patient care. Yet, a grim discovery during a mountain expedition transforms the clinic's atmosphere from routine to urgency.
Joined by a team of forensic specialists, Isla finds herself at the heart of a collaborative effort, delving into a challenging forensic case. With Dr. John, a seasoned forensic odontologist, guiding their path, they uncover dental clues that will unravel a long-standing mystery.
As days turn into weeks, their dedication and meticulous examination become the pillars of their success. In this gripping tale, you'll witness the power of collaboration, unwavering commitment, and the profound impact of forensic dentistry. Dental Mysteries Unveiled is a story of teamwork, compassion, and the pursuit of answers that remain hidden within the silent oral cavity. It's a journey that will leave you truly appreciating the power of a smile.
𝘙𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘮 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴 Book 3
Unforgivable Series #2
Where should your husband be when you're having a difficult, risky pregnancy?
Right by your side!
Where was he though? With his childhood best friend and business partner, partying, kissing and making out or worse.
All marriages have ups and downs, but once you take a one-way route of cheating, there is No Going Back.