When Apollo, the former god of the sun, is banished to Earth as a mortal named Lester, he finds himself accompanied by an unexpected companion: Birdynne, the once revered goddess of chocolate. Drenched in misfortune and disappointment, Birdynne's transformation into the mortal, Nelly Assman was a bitter pill to swallow, but she's determined to make the best of it.
With Apollo and Birdynne's fortunes intertwined, they are both claimed by young demigods. Fred Finnicky, a charismatic prankster with a heart of gold, chooses Birdynne as his slave. Alongside them stands Meg McCaffery, a fierce demigod who claims Apollo as her charge.
As Birdynne and Apollo navigate the challenges of mortal life, they quickly discover that the Trials are trickier than what they'd hoped. With a string of outrageous adventures and unexpected alliances, this supposed-to-be-godly duo must bring their humanly unique powers ("Yeah, right."-Apollo) and quirks together to vanquish mythical monsters, confront unruly gods, and unravel the mysteries that lay before them.
The original story belongs to Rick Riordan. I only own the characters: Birdynne, Nelly and Fred
She was the one that was going to teach him what affection was, what being loved felt like.
And he was going to teach her how thrilling a secret can be.
I do not own any of the obx characters.