Set in 1994 in Silverlake, an American metropolis in Minnesota, the story takes place in a world in which several animals on the planet are evolving drastically, becoming anthropomorphic. These animals are having human characteristics where they have acquired several human abilities like speech, much to the surprise of humans. Due to this evolution, humans began to fear for these animals, generating hatred and prejudice against them. This started a conflict between humans and evolved animals, where tensions and hostilities between them began to increase at an alarming and dangerous rate. The story revolves around an unlikely friendship between Emily Hartwood, a lonely 12-year-old girl, and Nathan Davison, an extroverted 13-year-old fox.
This dramatic story was inspired by the film The Cure (1995) and the concept of animals evolving was inspired by the idea of the next stage of human evolution explored in Marvel Comics' X-Men. The cover art was done by my friend, Arthur Machado, also known as Tururs. Thank you so much, man ❤️ If you want to see his work, search for "Tururs" on DeviantArt and support his arts.
PLAGIARISM IS A CRIME! Be original and creative, don't copy!
A girl who is bullied. A guy who is loved. If they sit next to each other in Science, how could their lives change?
I got the idea from a friend. Decided to change the characters. Storyline is technically copied but changed.